Leonardo Sulas


Email: l.sulas@cspm.ss.cnr.it CNR PAGE http://www.cnr.it/people/leonardo.sulas

Phone: +390792841606

Fax:     +390792841699

Address: ISPAAM-CNR, U.O.S. di Sassari, Traversa La Crucca 3, località Baldinca, 07100 Sassari, ITALY

Education and Professional Experience

2021: Senior Researcher

2015: Researcher

1991-2001: Researcher (temporary position)

1990-1991: Research Fellowship at CNR – Center for Mediterranean Pastures, Sassari, Italy.

1987-1990: Bank employee (Agricultural credit)

1986: Degree cum laude in Agricultural Sciences, University of Sassari, Ita


Native plant species and their multipurpose uses

Mediterranean Pasture and Fodder Species, Legumes, Symbiotic N-fixation, Biomass for Bioenergy and Biorefinery

Selected publications (max 20)

  1. Sulas L, Franca A, Sanna F, Re GA, Melis R, Porqueddu C (2015). Biomass characteristics in Mediterranean populations of Piptatherum miliaceum – A native perennial grass species for bioenergy. Industrial Crops and Products. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.07.014.
  2. Sulas L, Canu S, Ledda L, Carroni AM, Salis M (2015). Yield and nitrogen fixation potential from white lupine grown in rainfed Mediterranean environments. Scientia Agricola (in press).
  3. Sulas L, Re GA, Salis M, Garau G, Sitzia M, Salis L (2015). Performances and the Effect of Inoculation in Annual Clover Cultivars Grown at Two Different Locations of Sardinia (Italy). Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43, 165-172
  4. Yates R, Howieson J, De Meyer SE, Tian R, Seshadri R, Pati A, Woyke T, Markowitz V, Ivanova N, Kyrpides N, Loi A, Nutt B, Garau G, Sulas L, Reeve W (2015). High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Rhizobium sullae strain WSM1592; a Hedysarum coronarium microsymbiont from Sassari, Italy. Standards in Genomic Sciences, DOI: 10.1186/s40793-015-0020-2.
  5. Sulas L, Re GA, Bullitta S, Piluzza G (2015). Chemical and productive properties of two Sardinian milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) populations as sources of nutrients and antioxidants: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 62, DOI: 10.1007/s10722-015-0251-5 (in Press).
  6. Martinelli T, Andrzejewska J, Salis M, Sulas L, (2015). Phenological growth stages of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. according to the extended BBCH scale. Annals of Applied Biology Annals, 166: 53–66.
  7. Cocco D, Deligios PA, Ledda L, Sulas L, Virdis A, Carboni G (2014). LCA study of oleaginous bioenergy chains in a Mediterranean envinronment. Energies, 7, 6258-6281 (doi: 10.339./en7106258)
  8. Tagliapietra F. Cattani M, Guadagnin M, Haddic ML, Sulas L, Muresu M, Squartini A, Schiavona S, Bailoni L (2015). Associative effects of poor quality forages combined with food industry by-products determined in vitro with an automated gas production system. Animal Production Science. 55:1117-1122.
  9. Sanna F, Franca A, Porqueddu C, Piluzza G, Re GA, Sulas L, Bullitta S (2014). Characterization of perennial ryegrass native populations showing high persistence in Mediterranean rainfed conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 12:1110-1123.
  10. Piluzza G, Sulas L, Bullitta S (2014). Dry matter yield, feeding value and antioxidant activity of Mediterranean wild chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) germplasm. Turk. J. Agric. For., 38:506-514.
  11. Ledda L, Deligios P, Farci R, Sulas L (2013). Biomass supply for energetic purposes from some Carduae species grown in a Mediterranean rainfed low input cropping system. Industrial crops and Products, 47, 218-226.
  12. P Deligios, R Farci, L Sulas, G Hoogenboom and L Ledda (2013). Predicting growth and yield of winter rapeseed in a Mediterranean environment: Model adaptation at a field scale. Field Crops Res. 144, 100-112.
  13. Re GA, Piluzza G, Sulas L, Franca A, Porqueddu C, Sanna F, and Bullitta S (2013). The pattern of condensed tannins accumulation and the nitrogen fixation potential of Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. in a Mediterranean environment. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 69, 639-645.
  14. Sulas L, Roggero PP, Canu S, Seddaiu S (2013). Potential nitrogen source from field bean (Vicia faba minor L.) under Mediterranean conditions. Agronomy Journal, 105: 1735-1742.
  15. Piluzza G, Sulas L, Bullitta S (2014). Tannins in forage plants and their role in animal husbandry and environmental sustainability. A review. Grass and Forage Science, 69: 32-48.
  16. Muresu R, Tondello A, Polone E, Sulas L, Baldan B, and Squartini A (2013). Antioxidant treatments counteract the non-culturability of bacterial endophytes isolated from legume nodules. Archives of Microbiology, DOI 10.1007/s00203-013-0886-6.
  17. L Sulas, G Piluzza, JJ Rochon, JP Goby, JM Greef, U Sölter, D Headon and D Scholefield (2012) Assessing the potential for nutrient leaching from beneath grazed leguminous swards at four European sites. Grass and Forage Science, 67, 320-336.