Maddalena Sassu


sassuTechnician (CTER-CNR), laboratory responsable for forage and soils analysis


Phone: 079 2841615

Fax: 079 2841699

Address: CNR-ISPAAM UOS di Sassari, Traversa La Crucca 3, Località Baldinca 07100 Li Punti Sassari


Education and Professional Experience

2001 to date: Technician (permanent position) at the CNR-ISPAAM UOS of Sassari

1990-2001: Technician (temporary position)

1988: High School diploma (chemistry) at the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “G. M. Angioy” of Sassari.


Selected publications

  1. Sulas L, Canu S, Carroni AM, Sassu M, Salis M (2014). The effect of P fertilization on spontaneous annual self-reseeding legume species of Mediterranean pastures.
  2. Sulas L, Canu S, Carroni AM, Sassu M., Salis M. (2014). The potential role of spontaneous annual self-reseeding legume pasture species for improving the sustainability of Mediterranean production systems.
  3. GA Re, A Franca, P Saba, D Nieddu, M Sassu, F Sanna (2014). Impact of grazing on the agro- ecological characteristics of a Mediterranean oak woodland. Five years of observations at Monte Pisanu forest.
  4. Sulas L, Canu S, Carroni AM, Sassu M, Salis M, (2012). Yield and nitrogen fixation capacity by inoculated white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Options Méditerranéennes, Series A, No. 102, 277- 281.
  5. Sulas L, Franca A, Muresu R, Sassu M (2007). Gestione della fertilità in sistemi cerealicolo- foraggeri biologici mediterranei. Atti XXXVII Convegno della Società Italiana di Agronomia. 277-278.
  6. Sulas L, Canu S, Piluzza G, Sassu M, Stangoni AP (2005). Ecological and forage attributes of Erodium moschatum (L.) L’Herit. Proc. XVII Eucarpia Genetic Resources Section Meeting, 30 March.
  7. D’Aquino S, Agabbio M, Piga A, Pilo G, Sassu M (1996). Influenza di alcuni fungicidi sullo sviluppo dei marciumi in frutti di fico d’india frigoconservati. Italus Hortus Vol. 3, n. 4, 32-37.
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