(Italiano) “Mangio per Gioco” Imparare le regole di una sana alimentazione, giocando.

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All’Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione (ISA) di Avellino laboratori per gli studenti

Nei giorni 8 e 9 novembre 2023, presso la sede CNR dell’Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione (ISA) di Avellino, si terrà l’evento “La Scuola si avvicina alla Ricerca” inserito nell’ambito delle celebrazioni per il Centenario del CNR.

L’ingresso all’Istituto di Scienze dell’alimentazione

L’evento organizzato in collaborazione con l’Istituto per i Sistemi Agricoli e Forestali del Mediterraneo (ISAFoM) e l’Istituto per il Sistema Produzione Animale in Ambiente Mediterraneo (ISPAAM) coinvolgerà più di 200 studenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie di primo grado della regione campana, offrendo loro l’opportunità di interagire con i ricercatori del CNR. I partecipanti potranno prendere parte alle attività ludico-didattiche e pratiche incentrate su temi rilevanti come l’alimentazione, la nutrizione, la riduzione degli sprechi alimentari e le produzioni alimentari. L’obiettivo principale è promuovere l’interesse per la scienza e sottolineare l’importanza della ricerca scientifica in questi ambiti.

Fonte: https://www.nuovairpinia.it/2023/11/06/allistituto-di-scienze-dellalimentazione-isa-di-avellino-laboratori-per-gli-studenti/

Fonte: Il Mattino


(Italiano) “La scuola si avvicina alla ricerca” Eventi per il Centenario

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The LIVINGAGRO project Workshop: Virtual Fences, GPS Collars and Adaptive Grazing Management June 27, 2023

The LIVINGAGRO project Workshop: Virtual Fences, GPS Collars and Adaptive Grazing Management June 27, 2023

In recent years, a technology linked to a new concept of “precision grazing” has developed: GPS collars for grazing animals and socalled virtual fences”. LIVINGAGRO’s Living Lab expressed an interest in this innovation, while noting some concerns related to cost and use in certain contexts. This workshop will consider the potential of these devices, discussing the latest technological developments and the possibility of their extensive future use and examining the results of scientific experiments.

Link https://livingagrolab.eu/it/event/virtual-fences-gps-collars-and-adaptive-grazing-management/

TDW Virtual fences and GPS collars 27.06.2023

(Italiano) A Sassari nell’ambito dei festeggiamenti per il Centenario, l’ISPAAM partecipa a “La Ricerca del CNR incontra la città”

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BISBA-IT meets in Naples to showcase the projects selected in the first national access call and reaffirm the political and financial support of the Ministry of University and Research.

Logo PrincipalOn May 3 rd (2023), the Institute for the Animal Production System in the Mediterranean Environment ISPAAM participated in the meeting of the Italian national node IBISBAIT which took place on the occasion of the IBISBA Spring meeting held during the week. IBISBAIT (www.ibisba.it) is the first Italian Research Infrastructure (RI) for Industrial Biotechnology that uses modern scientific approaches, including ‘omics’ sciences, bioinformatics, molecular engineering, and bioreactor technologies, to develop new enzymes, proteins, biotransformations, and bioprocesses. The infrastructure is made up of ten partners, including four DiSBAafferent CNR Institutes (IBBRUOS Napoli, ISPAAM, ISA and IBBA), five Universities (UNINA, UNIBO, UNINSUBRIA, UNIMIB, UNITUSCIA) and the FIIRV foundation. After the customary opening greetings, Dr Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano, Researcher at the CNR Institute of Bioscience and BioResources of Naples and Coordinator of the Italian node, introduced IBISBAIT and commented: IBISBAIT is on the Italian Roadmap of highpriority RIs and has received funding from the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) since 2019. Currently, the infrastructure is involved in two nationally funded projects: REPLAY (REconnecting PLAstics life cycle to biogeochemical cycles by sustainable hydrolysis and Yeasts fermentation) and ITINERIS (ITalian INtegrated Environment Research Infrastructure System)”. REPLAY is a Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) coordinated by Prof. Paola Branduardi (UNIMIB) and developed in collaboration with UNINA (Prof. Marco Moracci) and UNIBA (Prof. Gennaro Agrimi). The project aims to convert PET into organic acids using yeasts and synthetic biology, biochemical and bioprocess engineering. ITINERIS is funded by the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) and aims to build the Italian Hub of RIs in the environmental scientific domain to observe and study environmental processes in the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere. The project is coordinated by Dr Gelsomina Pappalardo (CNRIMAA), involves 22 Italian RIs and has received funds for over €155 million, with €5 million allocated to IBISBAIT. The event also showcased research projects selected within the first IBISBAIT national access call launched for CNR applicants to gain funded access to the infrastructure services. The infrastructure users Mariaelena Di Biase (CNRISPA), Francesco Gai (CNRISPA), Mariacecilia Pasini (CNRSCITEC) and Maria Elena Russo (CNRSTEMS) illustrated the impact and the scientific and technological excellence of their projects.

On a political note, the meeting boasted the extraordinary participation of Michael O’Donohue, European Coordinator of IBISBA (www.ibisba.eu), who exposed the current status of the EUIBISBA and commented: “I am truly impressed by all of the foundational work done. The Italian Node is organised, operational and growing”. On the hand, honorary guest Mauro Bertelletti (MUR), remarked on the ministry’s solid support for IBISBAIT: “IBISBA is a high priority for Italy”.
For more information about IBISBA and its research activities, please visit www.ibisba.eu and www.ibisba.it, or contact:
Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano, IBISBAIT Coordinator
Mauro Di Fenza, Communication Manager

upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/... Funded by the European Union

Il 19 Maggio, i Partecipanti al 5th IBF Training Course on Buffalo Management And Industry visiteranno l’ISPAAM

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Selezione per titoli e colloquio ai sensi dell’art. 8 del “Disciplinare concernente le assunzioni di personale con contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato”, per l’assunzione, ai sensi dell’art. 83 del CCNL del Comparto “Istruzione e Ricerca” 2016-2018, sottoscritto in data 19 aprile 2018, di una unità di personale con profilo professionale di Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – III livello, presso l’Istituto per il Sistema Produzione Animale in Ambiente Mediterraneo – sede di Portici – Progetto PNRR – PE0000003, PE10 Modelli per un’alimentazione sostenibile, “ON Foods” – Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security – Working ON Foods”



(Italiano) Il CNR apre le porte agli scolari delle primarie –Per il centenario del Consiglio Nazionale di Ricerche–

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(Italiano) A Osilo la prima Scuola Sarda di Pastorizia

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