Gianni Re


Researcreher (Permanent position)

Email:; CNR PAGE

office phone: +39 079 2841610
mobile phone: +39 3669014584
skype: gianni.re3
Address: CNR –ISPAAM UOS of Sassari, Research Area of Sassari, via La Crucca, 3 – Baldinca 07100 Sassari

Education and Professional Experience

2008: Researcher
2004-2008: Post-Doc Research Fellow at CNR-ISPAAM and at Department of Agricultural and Vegetal Genetic, University of Sassari, Italy.
2004: PhD in Identification, Improvement and Management of Plant Species in the Mediterranean Environment, University of Sassari, Italy.
1994-2004: Research Fellow at CNR-ISPAAM (CSPM) and at Department of Agricultural and Vegetal genetic, University of Sassari, Italy.
1994: Academic Degree in Agricultural Science


Sylvo-pastoralism, Sustainable forage systems, forage seeds productions, unconventional species for restoration and for biomass.

Selected publications (max 20)

  1. Sulas L., Re G.A., Salis M., Garau G., Sitzia M., Salis L., 2015. The effect of inoculation on growth, nodulation and nitrogen in annual clover cultivars grown at two Mediterranean locations of Sardinia, Italy. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43(1): 165. DOI: 10.15835/nbha4319812.
  2. Sulas L., G.A. Re, Bullitta S., Piluzza G., 2015. Chemical and productive properties of two Sardinian milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) populations as sources of nutrients and antioxidants. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolutions. DOI 10.1007/s10722-015-0251-5.
  3. Sulas L., Franca A., Sanna F., Re G.A., Melis R., Porqueddu C., 2015. Biomass characteristics in Mediterranean populations of Piptatherum miliaceum—A native perennial grass species for bioenergy. Industrial crops and Products.
  4. G. A. Re, A. Franca, P. Saba, D. Nieddu, M. Sassu, F. Sanna, 2014. Impact of grazing on the agro-ecological characteristics of a Mediterranean oak woodland. Five years of observations at Monte Pisanu forest. Options Méditerranéennes 109:771-775.
  5. Porqueddu C., Sulas L., Re G.A., Sanna F., Franca A. and Melis R.A.M., 2014. Potential use of native Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss. for forage production and bioenergy. Grassland Science in Europe, Vol. 19: 1459-1461.
  6. Sanna Federico, Antonello Franca, Claudio Porqueddu, Giovanna Piluzza, Giovanni A. Re, Leonardo Sulas and Simonetta Bullitta, 2014. Characterization of native perennial ryegrasses for persistence in Mediterranean rainfed conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research.
  7. C. Porqueddu, G.A. Re, F. Sanna, G. Piluzza, L. Sulas, A. Franca, S. Bullitta, 2013. Exploitation of annual and perennial herbaceous species for the rehabilitation of a sand quarry in a Mediterranean environment. Land Degradation & Development DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2235.
  8. Porqueddu C., Melis R.A.M., Re G.A., Usai M., Marchetti M., 2013. Forage production and essential oil content of Psoralea bituminosa and P. morisiana accessions. The Role of Grasslands in a green Future, proceedings of the 17th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation Akureyri, Iceland 23-26 June 2013, 349-351.
  9. Porqueddu C., Franca A., Melis R.A.M., Sulas L., Re G.A., 2013. Pattern of hard seed breakdown in some annual self-reseeding legumes under Mediterranean field conditions. Revitalizing grasslands to sustain our communities, 22th International Grasslands Congress, Sidney 15-19 of September 2013.
  10. Vacca G., Re G.A., Brundu G., Camarda I., Sanna F., Caredda S., 2013. Biodiversità vegetale dei pascoli di altitudine dell’Ogliastra. Atti del convegno delle Società Botanica Italiana, 18-20 settembre, Balsega di Pinè (Trento) pg. 70. ISBN: 978-88-85915-07-7.
  11. G. A. Re, Giovanna Piluzza, Leonardo Sulas, Antonello Franca, Claudio Porqueddu, Federico Sanna and Simonetta Bullitta, 2013. Condensed tannin accumulation and nitrogen fixation potential of Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Grown in a Mediterranean environment. Journal of Science Food Agriculture. DOI 10/1002/jsfa.6463.
  12. Pintus G.V., Arca B., Ventura A., Duce P., Franca A., Re G.A., Sanna F., 2012. La prevenzione da incendi boschivi in aree di rilevante interesse naturalistico: il ruolo dei sistemi informativi geografici – Wildfire prevention in naturalistic areas: the role of geographic information system. Bollettino A.I.C. n° 144-145-146, pg. 183-196.
  13. G.A. Re, C. Porqueddu, P. Saba, L. Sulas and A. Franca, 2012. Effect of components ratios and management of an annual ryegrass/burr medic mixture on the forage quality. Options mèditerranèennes, serie A: Mediterranean seminars n° 102, 381-385.
  14. G.A. Re, D. Dettori, A. Franca, C. Porqueddu and L. Sulas, 2012. Searching for new annual legumes suitable for pasture establishment in Southern Europe. Options mèditerranèennes, serie A: Mediterranean seminars n° 102, 257-260.
  15. A. Franca, F. Sanna, Re G.A., G.V. Pintus, A. Ventura, P. Duce, M. Salis and B. Arca, 2012. Effects of grazing on the traits of a potential fire in a Sardinian wooded pasture. Options mèditerranèennes, serie A: Mediterranean seminars n° 102, 307-311.
  16. C. Porqueddu, R.A.M. Melis, G.A. Re, M. Usai and M. Marchetti 2012. Bio-agronomic traits of Psolarea bituminosa and P. morisiana accessions collected in Sardinia. Options mèditerranèennes, serie A: Mediterranean seminars n° 102, 139-143.
  17. L. Salis, M. Sitzia, M. Vargiu, P. Mulè, G.A. Re and L. Sulas, 2012. Adaptation of Australia self-reseeding forage legumes to three different environments of Sardinia. Options mèditerranèennes, serie A: Mediterranean seminars n° 102, 265—269.
  18. Porqueddu C., Dettori G., Falqui A. and Re G. A. 2011. Bio-agronomic evaluation of fifteen accessions within Psoralea complex. Proceeding of 16 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Gumpentein, Austria, august 201, pg 374-376.
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